DAY 7 - A Path to Follow

30th May 2022 was the seventh day of the project, and this day we called "Career Development Clubs" day. After breakfast, the participants started the session where their main goal was to find an answer to the question "What is a youth club?". Participants worked in pairs. They got an A4 paper and wrote down the results of their discussion regarding the question. They exchanged ideas and shared examples of youth initiatives. Later the facilitator let participants who had the initiative present their outputs to the entire team. They discussed and asked questions about presentations. As an output, they created one flipchart where the contribution of each pair was summarized and united. 30 mins of a break were given. 

After the break, the participants were shown video materials about developing an initiative. The focus was on 4 main concepts: initiating, designing, implementing, and follow-up. The presentation lasted 10-15 minutes and participants were given case studies about youth initiates. They described in detail how these ideas were developed. 6 teams 6 case studies. Participants in teams broke this initiative down into 4 above-mentioned concepts and presented them to the entire team of participants. Later it was time for questions and debriefing.

After lunch, the participant was involved in the next activity where we were sitting together with their national team at around 6 tables and was given 30 minutes to discuss matters of creating a "Career Development Club" in their countries. They clarified its mission, vision, goals and objectives, and activities. One person per team was assigned to each table who stayed there all the time. The others changed tables every 20 minutes. As a result, each person visited all 6 tables and shared his/ her opinions. Group leaders noted all ideas on a flip chart.

After the break, the results of the previous activity were presented. Assigned persons from each table took 10 minutes to present their "Career Development Club" ideas to the whole team. They concentrated on points addressed by each discussion team. After each presentation, they were given 5 minutes for questions and discussions.

The activity was followed by the reflection group and group leaders meeting where Day 7 was evaluated and the comments were noted. After the dinner, it was time for the team from Georgia to represent their country to other teams. Some photos are attached below, for all photos follow the link: